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Vision of Work, Vision of Global Peace

This is a vision about all of us at work honouring and celebrating life. I have this vision because of my passion and belief in people and my deep connection to and love of the Earth and work. I envision this because ofmy great awe and reverence for the spiritual, for all that is sacred. I dream the dream of the Universe, the Cosmic, the Divine, the Great Mystery, of Spirit, God, Goddess, Creator, Allah, Brahma, the Source, the One who has been given a thousand names.

Others as well as I are tuning in to their own visions. We are manifesting and living the vision in our place of work. We are thrilled at the challenge, for the task at hand is daunting and not for the faint of heart. But for those who feel called to the task, the work is exciting, fulfilling and rewarding.

I have a vision of global peace in my lifetime. Each one of us is rapidly becoming a living example of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual consciousness and peace. Now we are joining together in the co-creation of inspired organizations that reflect this. Through this book, I invite you to realize your life’s purpose and to tune in to your vision. Bring your sacred vision to reality and join together with others to expand the network and community of Love, Light, Peace and Beauty.

About the Author

Ellen Hayakawa is an author, speaker and coach of inspired leadership for children, youth and adults using their spiritual wisdom and spiritual gifts (including psychic, intuitive and healing abilities).

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