The Wisdom of the International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers
By Ellen Hayakawa on Jun 17, 2010 in Women's Wisdom
The first gathering of the 13 indigenous Grandmothers was in 2004, based on vision and prophecy. I remember hearing about the event and being thankful that they had answered the call of Spirit. I have been aware of their gatherings, work and presence in the world – and the very important role healing role they are playing. I just saw the documentary on the Grandmothers – called “For the Next 7 Generations”. To finally see them and their work was very moving. I could not stop crying through the film as I found each of them to be so beautiful and so beautiful and inspiring together. Each Grandmother with her own unique personality, prayers and cultural traditions weaves a part of herself into the greater fabric of co-creation. Here is the name of each woman and the people/place from which they come: Margaret Behan-Cheyenne-Arapahoe Rita Pitkta Blumenstein–Yup’ik Aama Bombo–Tamang,,Nepal Julieta Casimiro-Mazatec Flordemayo-Mayan Maria Alice Campos Freire-Brazil Tsering Dolma Gyaltong-Tibetan Beatrice Long Visitor Holy Dance-Oglala Lakota Rita Long Visitor Holy Dance-Oglala Lakota Agnes Pilgrim– Takelma Siletz Mona Polacca-Hopi/ Havasupai Clara Shinobu Iura-Brazil Bernadette Rebienot- Omyene. Each Grandmother holds a volume of life experience and is a fountain of woman’s wisdom, each in her own tradition and more importantly as they discover in the timeless universal truth of what spirituality embodies. Together they are called “The International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers.”
“We are the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers. We have united as one. Ours is an alliance of prayer, education and healing for our Mother Earth, all Her inhabitants, all the children and for the next seven generations to come. “
Please support the work of the Grandmothers by spreading the word about them and their , showing the documentary “For the Next 7 Generations” as a fundraiser, attending one of their events or making a donation. For more information their web-site
This past Monday, I received an e:mail (used here with permission from The Shift Network) from Stephen Dinan, Founder and CEO of The Shift Network inviting us to a profound event. Here it is:
You’re warmly invited to an unpreedented event this Saturday in honor of Summer Solstice – a Virtual Council with members of the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers.In recent months, it’s become clear to me that one of the most important things we can do to accelerate the Shift is to heal the rift between the Western stream of culture and the indigenous peoples of the world.
That’s why we decided to invite the International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers – a beautiful group of wise and holy elders representing many prayer lineages from across the world – to offer this free public call. Their prayers, wisdom, and calls for healing are essential medicine for our times and need to be accessible to the world. And we are truly honored that they accepted the invitation to offer their first Virtual Council through The Shift Network.We know that the power of intention amplifies with groups, and so our vision is that as many people as possible join together at this auspicious time to send our healing prayers out to the world. The more of us that join, the more powerful the effect.
The Virtual Council will include prayer, blessings, guidance and insight, and whatever Spirit moves them to share. It will be on Saturday, June 19th. However, even if you cannot participate live, you can sign up and get free access to the recording afterward.
Sign up now at Please do share this invitation with friends and allies – all are warmly welcomed to participate for free. In spirit,
Stephen Dinan P.S. The Solstice Council gives you access to the following leaders:
On the live call: Grandmother Agnes Baker Pilgrim, Grandmother Flordemayo, Grandmother Margaret Behan, Grandmother Julieta Casimiro, Grandmother Aama Bombo, Grandmother Rita Long Visitor, Jyoti (convener of the group) Present in spirit: Grandmother Tsering Dolma Gyaltong, Grandmother Rita Pitka Blumenstein, Grandmother Maria Alice Campos Freire, Grandmother Mona Polacca, Grandmother Clara Shinobu Iura, Grandmother Bernadette Rebienot, Grandmother Beatrice Long Sponsoring Partners: Center for Sacred Studies, International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers You are invited to be an active participant in the event, adding your prayers, blessings and intentions, as well as participating in smaller council circles with other participants. |
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