Last Night I Saw An Angel, Last Night I Saw the Light
By Ellen Hayakawa on Aug 31, 2009 in The Spiritual Wisdom of Children and Youth
Last Night I Saw the Light, Last Night I Saw An Angel……
In 1994 on the night of my 35th birthday I had a mystical dream that signaled a profound reawakening of my consciousness and connection to Spirit. In that dream, I dreamed that I was light. I was both inside the Light and outside the Light. I was flowing with the Light. After that evening I became conscious of God speaking to me in voice. I have now followed that voice for over a 15 years and it has led me on an ongoing epic journey of the Spirit.
I changed careers and fields from being a scientist and wildlife biologist to being a management consultant and speaker on spirituality at work. I also received guidance to do a global peace Summit called The 2001 Summit on Spirituality and Sustainability which happened in Vancouver Canada from September 15-22, 2001, just after the tragic events of September 11, 2001 in New York City.
We never know where the spiral of life will take us. Just when you think you are growing up the spiral of life takes you back to your baby or childhood. Just after the mystical dream of Light that I had in 1994, my cousin recalled the night when I was 3 years old and I came down the stairs in the morning and said, “Last night I saw an angel.” They said to me, “What did the angel look like and what did you do?” I said, “The angel was this big (indicating with my hands about a foot tall). I looked at the angel and then I went to sleep.
When I was a baby I never slept or so it seemed to my mother. I know that was the time when the angels taught me about the crystals and healing. For God has created each and every person with a destiny, sacred visions and psychic, intuitive and healing gifts to uncover. I was born as a “healer” and a “peacemaker” even though for many, many years I would not know this. As a child I had a deep love of nature and sent petitions to Parliament to “Save the baby seals”. My first consciousness about healing the Earth came as a child. I became an environmentalist after reading Rachel Carson’s book, “Silent Spring” and was doing volunteer work at Pollution Probe at the University of Toronto by the time I was 12.
I became a wildlife biologist with the Canadian Wildlife Service in the federal government of Canada. During this time, I opened again to my own spiritual journey and that opening resulted in the mystical experience I had at the age of 35 that changed my life forever. I dreamed that I was Light and that I was both inside and outside the Light. Although I had followed my heart and intuition all of my life, I began to hear the voice of God clearly speaking to me – telling me where to go, what to do and who to speak to. For a decade now I have learned how to follow instructions, trusting and surrendering to this small voice within that over the years got louder and louder.
Mystical and practical experiences as a child, youth and as an adult prepared me for the recent expansion of work focusing on helping others with the development and integration of their spiritual energy in all aspects of their lives. From working with CEOs, executives and employees in organizations on spirituality at work for the last decade as described in the book , (The Inspired Organization: Spirituality and Energy at Work, see, my work expanded to working with the spiritual wisdom of children, youth and their families on the development of psychic, intuitive and healing abilities within the context of their personal spiritual journeys.
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