Emotional Wounds and Healing
By Ellen Hayakawa on Sep 13, 2009 in The Spiritual Wisdom of Children and Youth
As humans, each of us has been emotionally wounded in some part of our lives or in our past lives. The wounds are both the source of fear and suffering. Inner (spiritual and emotional) work is the salve to heal the emotional wounds. We will not be able to prevent depression drug, alcohol abuse and suicide among young people until we acknowledge these facts and support them to live their spiritual path and to heal. Depression, sex, drug and alcohol abuse and suicide are symptoms and indicators a of deep pain that alarmingly is increasing exponentially not only through our child and youth population but also in adults. Adults are seen as role models for children and youth for any behaviours including taking drugs and alcohol. All of these substances taken in high enough dose obviously change behaviour. The number of children being given methamphetamines for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is an indicator of the crisis. There are alternatives for healing and solutions if we truly seek to understand both the simplicity and complexity of children and the gifts including psychic gifts they bring. Denying the children’s psychic and intuitive gifts will continue to amplify the crisis.
In addition, when your gifts are not acknowledged, when no one is acknowledging who you are or supporting you to develop yourself – of course you are going to be depressed!!! Until such time as the wounding is acknowledged and healed, there will not be true, authentic evolution or progress for the child.
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