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Labelling Children with Disorders

In my coaching practice with children and youth,  they often come to me having  emotional challenges.   Sometimes they’ve been bullied, sometimes they’re depressed, suicidal or in despair.    Often one of the first things they tell me is what they’ve been labelled with – ADD, ADHD, OCD, Asperger’s, etc. And my one and only response to them has been, […]

Parents: Believe in yourself, perceive your child with open eyes!!!

I am reading and hearing about the beautiful and profound journey  of Kristine Barnett and her son, Jacob who was diagnosed with moderate to severe autism when he was 3 years old. Kristine was told that he would never read or write.  Today at 14, he is taking graduate level classes at university in Indianapolis and scientists are predicting […]

Children’s Happiness is Connected to Support Outside of the Home

This study from the University of British Columbia  shows that children’s happiness is connected to their relationships with adults especially and peers and others outside of the home.   Children, youth, all of us are tribal/community beings at heart, soul and spirit.  We thrive in communities of like-minded, like-visioned people who can embrace all of us including our difference.  […]

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