Author Archive

The Gates of Heaven are Open- Will we listen, see, hear?

There were three profound moments in the expansion of my work : The first happened in 2000 while watching the video:  Through the Eyes of a Child by Drunvalo Melchizdek in which an 18 year old Mexican woman does psychic readings on photos handed to her by members of the audience. (see Resources and Links Section […]

Rituals and Ceremonies/Honouring the Seasons and Cycles

I have a vision of joining together with others to create organizations   Just as the cycle of the seasons is recognized, so too is the seasonal cycle where rituals and ceremonies are created to honour people and work. We honour the privilege of being gathered together for a meeting and the initiation, duration and […]

Last Night I Saw An Angel, Last Night I Saw the Light

Last Night I Saw the Light, Last Night I Saw An Angel…… In 1994 on the night of my 35th birthday I had a mystical dream that signaled a profound reawakening of my consciousness and connection to Spirit.  In that dream, I dreamed that I was light.  I was both inside the Light and outside […]

Respecting Your Energy

    We create organizations where an individual’s and team’s physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energy cycles are respected during the day. We know when our bodies are calling us to take a break. We love ourselves enough to walk in the sun, lie down or close the door for silence and reflection.

Calling to bring forth spiritual wisdom

If you are reading this blog then perhaps Spirit has already called you to work with the spiritual wisdom of children and youth (sometimes called indigo children, crystal children, rainbow children) .   Are you listening and responding to this call?    What are you here to do?   If you are an adult, this blog is about you […]

Embracing Your Unlimited Power

  I have a vision that we fully embrace our unlimited power to transform the world for the highest good of all. In our power, we are strong and at the same time gentle and vulnerable. We understand that our strength lies in the power and gentleness of compassion and peace for all. Each of […]

Introduction: The Spiritual Wisdom of Children

There are many children and youth now on the planet with highly developed spiritual knowledge of love, compassion and wisdom as well as highly developed psychic, intuitive and healing gifts.   In the face of our current civil and international  environmental and social crises -and where war is still considered to be an acceptable solution for disagreements, these […]

Hello world!

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!

Meaningful Work: Vision and Values

I dream that we are all highly motivated, happy, loving, open and respectful while we do work that is meaningful. Each person knows their passions, their life’s purpose and calling. We support one another to manifest what we dream of. Through the manifestation of our individual, team and community visions, we fulfill our total creative […]

Spirituality at Work: I have a vision

I have a vision. I have a vision of One People, One Earth, working in One Spirit and living as One in Peace. The vision is filled with love, light, beauty, bright colours and hope, and it also embraces the shadows of human existence. Our personal and community understanding of spirituality and energy provide the […]

Spirituality and Global Peace

The mission I have –  of establishing global peace in my lifetime emerged through the question that I have asked myself since I was a young child of 7 or 8.  Who am I and what did I come here to do?   I grew up in the early 1960′ s in Toronto, Canada – a […]

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