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Another Wakeup Call – The 2011 Earthquake in Japan

I send my prayers to the people and all beings in Japan in the midst of suffering and massive destruction. Japan is the land of my ancestors.  As the land of my ancestors, she called me home when it was time.  It was then in my 32nd year that I connected as as a third generation Canadian,  to her soil, her people, her sacred sites and to my ancestors.   It was only then that I recognized she was in my blood and my blood was in Japan- in the form of my relatives.   I have shed many, many tears over the last few days for the people and the land.   I have much compassion for both the pain and suffering that is in the land of my ancestors and relatives in these days following the great earthquake. 

This is the time of great awakening and transition to a new world order built on spiritual principles.  The prophecies speaks of these endtimes, the time of revelation when there would be destruction from floods, fires, earthquakes, volcanoes.  On a deeper level, the end time is a time of the purification of greed, corruption and we see that in the fall of the global economy and in the fall of dictatorships around the world.  In this time we transition from a time where the focus has been on the material world and on superficiality to a focus on building a new world order based on spiritual principles, love, compassion and respect for all beings.  We are also reminded that we are made of Earth and Spirit and to those we shall return. 

In Japan during the past few days, the earth and the sea have spoken loudly and in concert with one another.     And now one of the volcanoes after a time of silence started to speak again today throwing stones and steam into the air.   Nature is asking us to awaken to our true nature of Spirit and Earth and to realize just how fragile life is on this planet.  Nature is showing us her power.  And as always we can choose to watch her power, see her power, listen to her power, acknowledge it and build it into our conscious existence and our structures on this planet or not.   

The destruction of human life by nature is obviously painful.   There there are even greater implications for both the people of Japan and the globe if a nuclear meltdown happens at any one or more of the 3 nuclear plants that have suffered damage.    In addition to the actions that are being taken to rescue those in need, heal, reconstruct and get daily life back on track, we hear of a great struggle with the technology that we have created.  We have been blessed with an intellect by the Creator to pretty well create anything we want.  However whether we have the discernment and maturity to build these technologies and use them in way where we don’t self destruct is another question.   I personally believe that along with the many things that we are mature and have discernment about there are many areas where we lack good judgement.    I have stood against the use of nuclear power since the 1960s. 

I still hold the same position and stance on nuclear power that I had then. With these latest threats of meltdown in Japan, my position strengthens each day and I have to add my voice to the protest of nuclear power on this planet.    I have a moral responsibility to do so.   My grandfather’s youngest brother was within 500 m of the hypocentre of the Hiroshima bomb and his wife and child were in the city that day when the nuclear bomb by the US on that city.   For whatever reason they survived and lived, though with radiation sickness – to tell the story.   The instantaneous devastation and destruction of human life and other beings in Hiroshima and in Nagasaki was such that the Earth had never known before or since.    From a personal perspective, as someone who never knew the war but has been to Japan and saw what nuclear power did to people in another generation, I believe that I must take a stance against nuclear power.   At the same time as I stand against, I also stand for the use of natural energies sun, wind, tide, geothermal given to us by the Creator and with which we could live in alignment with nature.   

Having had experiences with the atomic bombs in World War 2,  it is beyond me how the Japanese and how we as a global community could have ever endorsed the building of nuclear power plants in a country that rests on 3 tectonic, constantly shifting plates, let alone any other place on this planet.  If nuclear meltdown happens it will bring the destruction of many more lives in both the shortterm and the longterm.   The very reason I campaigned against nuclear power – that we are not equipped as humans to handle a nuclear power emergency in the midst of other emergencies – this fear that I had in the 60s is now happening before my very eyes forty years later.   As a woman who is deeply connected to and loves Mother Earth, I am sad.    I am sad that we made those choices in our past for a masculine energy form.  Our other major forms of energy – coal, natural gas, oil etc. are also not the way – it is the way we have raped and pillaged Mother Earth – pumping her blood out of her body.    It is too late in this case to make other choices where we have already done this.  But we can first phase this belief and way of thinking out of our consciousness.  And now we can focus on total energy conversion in  the future – making choices for feminine natural forms of energy that earth offers us – sun, wind, solar, tide, geothermal – and free energy.    Please don’t say that its not possible or that it doesn’t provide enough energy right now – we have enough intellectual power to figure it out…..and we will. In the meantime,   we arrogantly believed that we have mastery over nuclear power and could control it.   We are not the masters and we cannot control it as we can see right now with what is happening in front of us.   I am sad not only for the people of Japan but for all of humanity that we made those choices.    Where is our wisdom, when do we learn our lessons? 

Tonight our national television station CBC is playing a documentary called Force of Nature:  The David Suzuki Story.   It is a documentary about the life of the dedicated environmentalist,  Canadian scientist and television host of the Nature of Things, Dr. David Suzuki.  He like me is a third generation Canadian of Japanese ancestry and I’m sure as an environmentalist, he is watching the events in our ancestral land closely and with great interest.    David has spent his life helping to raise consciousness for generations of Canadians about environmental issues. His work and the work of others has spawned a wakeup call and an environmental consciousness that we would not have if it had not been for his dedication and his work. I’m sure its no fluke that this documentary “happens” to air this week in the grand divine plan. I thank David for his dedication and his tenacity to speak the truth to all of us  over so many years about what is happening both in Canada and globally in the massive conscious and unconscious human war against Mother Earth.   War is a severe term to use but it is what I feel that Mother Earth must feel about our actions including building nuclear power plants. And make no mistake, she is fighting back and she is much more powerful as is Spirit than we are.   Just as we subject other species to mass extinction by our actions, conscious and unconscious so are we too subject to mass extinction by the power of the Earth and ironically more so – by the power of things like nuclear power plants and bombs and toxic chemicals that we have built  ourselves and chosen to use.   If you feel called to take action, please support the David Suzuki Foundation and organizations like it that continue to raise our consciousness and awareness around environmental issues.  

Somedays for me as an activist the scale of destruction and the consumption of Earth’s resources and our pollution of her body leave me feeling overwhelmed. In the end, in love –  we must live our life purpose, we must do our sacred visions of work and life in alignment with Spirit and Earth.  These are sacraments of faith, hope and purpose.  And yes, perhaps in the end, we as humans will all wake up to our self destructive behaviours and to the sacred gift of life on this dear planet, Earth.  It is my hope and wish that we each do our part in the fabric of conscious co-creation, and be unified in diversity and in the Great Spirit and Mother Earth.  Only time will tell what the outcomes will be.

About the Author

Ellen Hayakawa is an author, speaker and coach of inspired leadership for children, youth and adults using their spiritual wisdom and spiritual gifts (including psychic, intuitive and healing abilities).

Comments (2)

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  1. Joanne Pareja says:

    Thank- you for expressing my sentiments. This is a wake-up call. It is not nature’s force that will destroy us but man himself who thinks he has become invincible. More than ever David Suzuki will be held in my highest regards for his endless efforts and work in trying to protect MOTHER EARTH for our future
    generations. My prayers are with the people of Japan.
    Thank-you for your thoughts, so that people like myself don’t feel helpless and alone in a world of
    self-destruction and greed.
    joanne pareja

    • Hi Joanne,
      Thanks so much for your comments. What you say is absolutely true – that we think for some reason we are invincible and that because of our own arrogance – we may very well destroy ourselves. I have modified the post to better reflect this very excellent observation. As I said in the face of all that is happening on the planet, we can still each make changes in our personal lives as well as in the decisions we make in our families, communities, provinces/states and nations to align ourselves more fully with the cycles of nature. Making better decisions eventually results in whole system/systemic change. That is what we need right now and we all have a part to play in that!

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