Vision – Global Ecospiritual Educational Network
A membership-based eco-spiritual educational/real estate network comprised of:
Phase 1:
- 360 Ecospiritual Stewardship Centres around the world – Each ecospiritual centre has a theme or themes that it specializes in eg. NIA, yoga, silent retreats, conscious dying, conscious birth, spiritual cooking, ecospiritual architecture (sacred geometry, buildings and communities aligned cosmically with planets and stars), eco-spiritual forestry, bio-dynamic farming and building and learning centres for the development of psychic, intuitive and healing gifts for children and youth etc.
2. At least 13 of them are co-ventures with indigenous peoples in support of indigenous peoples sharing the spiritual teachings of indigenous cultures including sweat lodges, vision quests, sun dances, powwows, uipi ceremonies as well as ceremonies and teachings from the Mayan, Hawaiian, Andean tradition etc. with members of the SHL Network
Phase 2:
Adjacent to 13 of the Eco-spiritual Stewardship Centres are 13 Ecospiritual Community Developments based in fractional ownership
Purpose of the Spirit Holding Land Network:
1. To help members of the Spirit Holding Land network deepen their spiritual journeys by offering spiritual and eco (green) teaching and experiences
2.. To provide the world with role models of ecospiritual retreat centres, ecospiritual communities and sustainability; and to collectively steward and protect as many acres of wild land as possible as a legacy for all beings now and into the future
3. To provide the world with a new economic model of business, tourism, ecospiritual consciousnessness and co-creative community living based on eco- spiritual principles
4. Members of the Network will be encouraged to engage in community service projects in the communities where the SHL centres are located eg. Volunteer in the local eye hospital and school in India, volunteer at a camp for developing youth leadership in Africa.
Profits from the Network
A portion of profits from the network will go into community microfinancing in countries in which the centres are located.
For more information, please use contact form on the sidebar to the right.
Thanks for your interest!
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