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Spirituality at Work: I have a vision

I have a vision. I have a vision of One People, One Earth, working in One Spirit and living as One in Peace. The vision is filled with love, light, beauty, bright colours and hope, and it also embraces the shadows of human existence. Our personal and community understanding of spirituality and energy provide the foundation for my vision. In my vision, we are each fully expressing our individuality and our spirituality in communities at work. If we choose to explore and express spirituality, we choose to explore the frontiers of consciousness. We know not where we are going. We know only that it is more miraculous than from whence we have come. Understanding spirituality and energy at work is the pathway home to the ever-burning, constantly expanding fire of our consciousness. Exploring what spirituality and energy at work is, is one place to start.

About the Author

Ellen Hayakawa is an author, speaker and coach of inspired leadership for children, youth and adults using their spiritual wisdom and spiritual gifts (including psychic, intuitive and healing abilities).

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