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Children’s Spiritual Wisdom – Sandyhook Elementary School, Newtown, Connecticut

A week ago today, a friend called me in tears as she had just heard about the shooting of children and adults at Sandyhook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. I also burst into tears when she told me the news.  We all feel broken-hearted for the children and adults who will not live their dreams and for the  families including the family of the distressed young man who did the shooting.   We are also broken hearted by the children whose lives changed in an instant when they experienced lifechanging trauma with their classmates dying on that day.   My compassion and love reaches out to them and their families in this time of grief, sadness, and inner chaos and confusion. 

The media has focused the conversation on gun control as have many of the politicians.   Obviously if guns had been less readily available the young man may not have been able to find and use one. Guns are one part of the issu.   e However it is also obvious that there is a deeper issue.  Guns are readily available to many in the US and yet they don’t shoot children and adults at a school. The deeper issue was this young’s man, Adam Lanza’s mental state and anything including prescription drugs that affected that. 

Adam had been diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome.  And now people are blaming that condition as the cause.   Again this is simply not true.    Parents of children with Asperger’s Syndrome are recoiling in horror  and disbelief as others start enquiring of them  whether their children may become violent like this young man.  The parents of children with Asperger’s Syndrome must then defend their children against this misguided and unfair onslaught of blame. 

I have worked with many children and youth who have been labelled by our medical or educational system as ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, OCD, depression etc.   They sometimes come to me for coaching and training proudly wearing these labels that the medical professionals place on them. 

The first thing I say to them is that I do not care much for  labelling children because of what it results in- children and youth the feeling that they are somehow “less than”, “deficient”, “stupid”,  “abnormal”.       What I tell them is that I care about who they are as a soul and spirit on the planet.  And that I am also interested in what their gifts are and  what they have come here to do with their gifts.      I believe that this is the antidote to all the so-called disorders, brain challenges, learning disorders.   The question is what are children and youth’s brains and hearts and emotions and spirit designed for?  Its a question to be explored rather than believing that we have the answer to the way a child’s brain should work and how he or she should fit in to systems that are dysfunctional and do  not work anyway.  

What I have discovered is that many children are incredibly energy sensitive, psychic, and intuitive. Yes – they see, hear and feel  in other dimensions.  Many of them can see or hear or connect with people and pets who have passed to the other side.   They can be erroneously diagnosed as psychotic and schizophrenic. And they are often put on drugs to repress what in fact are their natural gifts and insights.   It just happens that most adults including the doctors whom who prescribe the drugs…..  cannot see and hear in other dimensions with the clarity that these children and youth can.  So we and their health professionals  discount all of these wonderful gifts.  

Our lives are created  not by humans but by a power greater than us who embues us with all of these incredible gifts.  Being an immature species we are just beginning to learn how to work within these cosmic laws.  Any energy that is repressed or gifts that are repressed or said in a different way, any soul that experiences repression of energies – those energies have to come out at some point.   The prescription drugs that are given to children and youth repress their energies including the anger and trauma of their souls which can be because their gifts are not being recognized.   That energy of anger and despair is then amplified and eventually comes out in violence such as the killings we witnessed in Newtown, Connecticut.    

The pharamaceutical, prescription drugs used in what the medical profession would call a brain disorder are designed to affect the brain and brainwaves which affect the way that we perceive the world.    To me we have to ask ourselves whether it is ethical to change the brains and brainwaves of children and youth who have no say in a matter that seems to me is their right to make a decision upon. 

If we investigate  the killers in mass shootings we would find that many of them were and are labelled with various mental diagnoses and that they were on or had just come off of prescription drugs.   You can find  numerous articles on the internet about that and the dangers of antidepressants cause deeper depression and violent behaviours. 

Rather than so easily placing children and youth on any pharmaceutical drugs to alleviate so called disorders… we need to be open to the fact that these psychic, intuitive and healing gifts  and energy sensitivity are known yet not explored or widely talked about in our society….and that maybe its time to do so.  There is nothing wrong with children and youth. We may perceive that there is and we spend lots of time figuring out how to fix them to conform to our own expectations.   A much simpler approach involves:

1.  unconditionally loving and accepting who children are

2.  getting to know the soul and spirit of your children and youth  by being open to their unique gifts and talents 

3.   helping them to become who they are meant to be.    

Whenever possible children should  not be put on antidepressants, and other behaviour altering drugs. That is not to say… that these drugs can’t serve a function and purpose as each case is different and needs to be assessed.  

My calling in all of this is to help parents, teachers, educators and health professionals and anyone who stewards children and youth to discover their spiritual wisdom including psychic, intuitive and healing gifts.  Helping children and youth have a focus on their spiritual life, affirming what they see in other dimensions are all part of recognizing their spirits and souls and what gifts they bring.    I believe and will continue to advocate that this is the best way of preventing tragedies like the one at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown. This way will also  help our children and youth to be who they are and express their best and most beautiful gifts to help us as adults to awaken our consciousness and psychic, intuitive and healing gifts.     Here are 3 free training videos for you to begin that process.





I do not do diagnoses nor do I provide medical advice. What I have seen is that a perceptual change of children and youth with “brain disorders”, would be welcome – in order to give them the real support that they need to

Time and time again I have repeated that every soul is created in divine perfection and undertakes their own soul journey of evolution to greater love and peace – no matter what we may think about another’s journey. 

Today is the first day of the brand new 26,000 year cycle of the Mayan calendar.  I hope that it is the end of an era –  an era of materialism, patriarchal systems, economic systems that are unjust, violence and wars against people and the earth.  I hope that this new era brings in love, light, peace, joy, compassion, kindness, mercy, forgiveness, divine perfection.

About the Author

Ellen Hayakawa is an author, speaker and coach of inspired leadership for children, youth and adults using their spiritual wisdom and spiritual gifts (including psychic, intuitive and healing abilities).

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