The Gates of Heaven are Open- Will we listen, see, hear?
By Ellen Hayakawa on Sep 6, 2009 in The Spiritual Wisdom of Children and Youth
There were three profound moments in the expansion of my work : The first happened in 2000 while watching the video:
Through the Eyes of a Child by Drunvalo Melchizdek in which an 18 year old Mexican woman does psychic readings on photos handed to her by members of the audience. (see Resources and Links Section – for youtube link). It was as though a light went on inside me and activated the start of the working with my own psychic, intuitive and healing abilities as well as helping people of all ages including children and youth discover and develop their abilities. .
The other happened in 2004 when I watched the movie The Sixth Sense starring Bruce Willis, a psychologist and about a little boy Cole Sear (played by Haley Joel Osment who was 11 and who was nominated for an Oscar for his role), are at the center of the movie. At one point in the movie after Cole has shared his secret that he sees dead people with the psychologist, he says in desperation, “You do believe me, don’t you? If you don’t believe me, how can you help me?” As I watched this movie at the close of 2004, 4 years after I started to work with children, many who have the gifts of seeing dead people and animals as well as many other gifts, I realized how important this work is. My commitment to getting the teachings and messages of the children and youth into the consciousness of the mainstream population deepened.
There are many, many children who can see beyond our three dimensional reality into other dimensions. They can be frightened of what they of they see. They continue to live in fear because like Cole they fear that adults wouldn’t believe them. Many adults would not because they have not opened themselves to the ability to perceive these other realities or they simply lack the gifts for doing so.
The result of the lack of acknowledgement of other realities and dimensions and of the lack of affirmation of children and youth’s psychic, intuitive and healing gifts can result in clinical diagnoses of disorders such as depression, ADHD, ADD, dyslexia, autism, Asperger’s etc. Children, youth and adults alike become depressed and life loses meaning when we don’t recognize our own gifts and when others don’t recognize the gifts we have.
While some may be correctly diagnosed, not all are. However we are not being inquisitive enough and thorough enough as scientists, parents, educators and medical professionals in investigating the gifts that children bring when they are challenged regarding learning in traditional ways. There are many other ways to learn, absorb and communicate information than just the spoken and written word that has been the backbone of society’s learning, communication and educational structures. We have either not yet addressed or barely addressed these ways of learning in our mainstream systems including families, communities, education, health and other.
Relatively recent developments in understanding that children and adults can be audio, visual, spatial and kinaesthetic learners is one of the first and a baby step in understanding that there are multidimensional ways of knowing and perceiving that include psychic and intuitive abilities. To deny or not to acknowledge these is to be in the shadow of our own ignorance. What is in the shadow always comes out to bite us. The epidemic of so-called disorders are that shadow biting us and calling us to acknowledge the other non-material dimensions of life. The epidemic of placing children and youth on drugs for so-called disorders to “normalize” them is also something that I believe we will look back upon as consciousness evolves and like other actions that seemed right at the time to the mainstream eg. placing native children in residential schools – we will come to deeply regret our actions – that were guided by ignorance rather than knowledge and wisdom.
The third profound moment came when the children came to me in a dream and said, “We don’t want to be drugged anymore and we need an adult voice to speak for us.” I promised them that I would bring awareness to their situation and their needs in service of Spirit.
Watch: Inge Bardor, super psychic girl from Mexico who can read blindfolded, not just text but images and minds and clip from the Sixth Sense
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