Calling to bring forth spiritual wisdom
By Ellen Hayakawa on Aug 24, 2009 in The Spiritual Wisdom of Children and Youth
If you are reading this blog then perhaps Spirit has already called you to work with the spiritual wisdom of children and youth (sometimes called indigo children, crystal children, rainbow children) . Are you listening and responding to this call? What are you here to do? If you are an adult, this blog is about you as much as it is about children and youth. Everyone including adults have psychic, intuitive and healing abilities.
Has the child inside of you who possesses all-knowing wisdom or who has the ability to heal or perceive things in other dimensions been acknowledged and nurtured throughout the years? Has the child that knows these things been allowed to grow and expand into adulthood with the same kind of openness, knowledge and wisdom? Has your knowing child brought the wisdom and truth that you know to bear in your life? If not, the stories of Spirit and truth that the children and youth are sharing with adults calls us to bring this forth.
If you are a child or youth reading this book then maybe you will find some comfort and affirmation (ask your parents what that means, if you don’t know) when you read the stories written by other children and youth who are like you.
It is a blessing to be alive at this time. It is even more of a blessing to be alive and in the process of your own and our global continually awakening consciousness. This book is one key for the inward and outward spiral of human evolution and consciousness towards global peace. I am blessed to work and play with the children youth and their families in Spirit. Through their kind agreement am privileged to share our stories with you. Whether you are a parent, an educator, a health professional, a mentor or a child or youth, I hope that sharing these stories and experiences will touch or help you in your spiritual journey.
Thank you for your work Ellen, on behalf of children and bringing peace to our planet. You are a voice holding vision and light. May your words reach many.